
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ameda VS Medela FS

OK, Since saye menjual dua-dua, ramai yg tanye... nak beli? boleh.. click sini

FS vs Ameda

In terms of output, it's basically the same. Despite the canggih-ness of the pump, there are some things I don't fancy about FS..
1. It has gazillion parts!
Yang ni Ameda...
Yang ni FS
2. Suction Power
3. the noise! (Ameda quieter...hehe)
However, I absolutely love the mobility.
With Ameda, if I don't use the 6 AA batteries for mobility-byknye kena gune, I had to plug the pump onto the power socket.
With FS, I am able to do my housework, handsfree, not needing to think about, power for the pump-brg canggih kan?

1. Affordable price
2. Suction / Volume Control-kadang2 ain blh dpt double letdown sbb kita control sendiri!
3. Easy Assembly
The BP comes in 4 parts:
Breast shields;Collection bottles;Cap and diagphram;Valve
(I often had to sit in for a meeting and when it's time to pump, I can actually quickly assemble the parts and pump for a minimum of 15 minutes, and I'm good to go!)
However :)
You need to stock 6 AA batteries!!
Dia lak besar la skit dr FS, tapi blh muat dlm medela citystyle tu...maknanya, kalau galas guna citysyle bag, sama je la bawa FS/Ameda :)

Rate ain utk FS, 3.5 out of 5 stars and Ameda 4 out of 5 stars!

Nevertheless, Ain kena conclude that:
REGARDLESS of how expensive or reliable your BP may be, ALWAYS remember that the most efficient BP in the world is YOUR BABY...

Nipple Confusion

wa..ramainye ada prob ni kan..
bulan ni aje dah 3 org yg kontek ain pasal prob yg sama
susah jugak ni nak explain...
mula2, problem dia sbb kita dh introduce botol awal2 kat baby..milk supply kite pon dh jadi merundum sbb direct suction x der kan...
he must "work" for mother's milk-botol feed ni sng, x yah kerja keras2 dh dpt upah..kalau direct feed, kena suct betul2 dulu, br dapat kan...

nasihat ain secara ringkas, x nak panjang2,
1.First, try to stay calm. This can be difficult if baby is actively refusing breast and both mother and baby are frustrated.
2. kalau bg botol, jgn kita sendiri yg bagi, minta org lain yg dgn kita dia hanya boleh dapat original nipple je ye..xder tiruan punye..Use bottles only when needed. Using bottles too often increases risk of baby preferring bottles over breast...ok?
3.bykkan skin-to skin contact...bykkan baby tdo atas dada kita, biar dia kenal balik bau kita tu...hehehe..kalau pandai, bawa baby in a sling near the breast between feedings. so lagirapat lagi bagus :)
4.Try utk breastfeed masa baby tenang, pagi2 masa br bgn dr tdo, jangan tunggu baby lapar br nak bagi..mengamuk la dia
5.Bagi baby bila breast dh nak let down..timing masa mana baby nak susu, then dekat2 dengan waktu menyusu dia, pam utk stimulate kan breast, r
asa2 dh nak letdown, bagi x der la baby tu tertunggu2 nak dpt susu..sbb dia dh biasa dgn botol yg x perlu kerja keras tu kan..?

Babies biasanya akan keliru, nape mak aku ni?apa yg mak aku buat ni? nak bg breast dia balik ke (huhu~merajuk!)
Kita kena byk bersabar..Usaha+Doa berpanjangan!
Bila dia berjaya (walaupun skit2), puji dia..Dia x fhm, tp emotional bonding antara kita n anak kan ada...
It may take a few days/or maybe weeks to woo baby back to the breast, but you can do it....! InsyaAllah!
Me, still bf ~ Afeef already 2 yrs and 2 weeks!!Alhamdulillah!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hand (manual) expression of breast milk

Oopss..hari ni tertinggal lak pam akibat kelam kabut pagi tadi!!

Alamak, battery plak habis, plug point lak x der tempat!!

Alahai, macamana ni, pam rosak..nak baiki lambat..x kan nak beli baru lagi kot??

Hurm..macam2 boleh terjadi..semua tu DUGAAN... so camne? bersedia x guna tangan?

Alamak! mana pandai, start dr hari mula2 mengepam, pakai yg main tekan, jalan jer..heheh...

Ok la..

Sini ain nak share skit..Ain pon baru aje pandai, x master la agi..skit2 kita kongsi ye...


Massage breast untuk membantu "let down," menggunakan teknik di bawah

1. Guna kedua2 belah tangan, slide tangan dr atas dada ke arah nipple, tapi x sentuh nipple tu

2. Dengan jari, massage ikut bulatan around breast, pastu picit..!

Senang aje kalau kita dah tahu cara...
JOM try!!!