Hurm.. Bebaru ni, banyak juga yg menegur..Ada yg suara sumbang, ada yg gelisah, ada yg tengok menjeling..
Almaklumla, putera Ain dah 1 tahun 10 bulan..lagi 2 bulan nak mencecah 2 tahun :)
Budak tu dah la buas..Kejap2, "Ma..nenen..?" huhu..depan orang2 nak? camane?
Tempat crowded, tempat ramai org..Adik2 ku jeling2 dah :p
Mama pon, x kisah la, depan org ke apa ke, bukak aje..On the spot..tu yg sebabkan afeef terlebih2 manja tu, asal minta je dapat kan..? x payah risau2 nak basuh botol, cari air panas, nak bancuh tu la apa2 la.. x pernak experience mende2 yg macam tu.. :) Alhamdulillah...
Baru2 ni masa majlis kenduri arwah tokki, ribakan anak sepupu, sleepy..tetiba alamak, my sister pass kan dia punya bottle..ooppss.. dah rasa pelik nak suapkan anak sepupuku itu dengan plastic bottle...last2 pass balik kat my sister, "Sorry la sayang, ummi Ain x biasa"..
Anyway, berbalik pada topik asal..
Breastfeeding in public tends to be a big problem for most first time mothers. Ye la kan.. xbiasa, nak buat macamana...Semua org ada level sendiri..mana nak sama...x semua mudah nak biasa. tapi bagi ain, alah bisa tegal biasa??(alamak, betul x tu?) Not everyone have an easy feeling when breastfeeding in public. Some mother does not feel comfortable when breastfeeding in public so they choose to give their baby to drink formula milk when they went out for outing. Some mother will pack their expressed milk in cooler bag, whenever they went out and nurse their baby using bottle.
Ain dah start nursed my beloved Afeef in public from the first time that we started going out until now. (22 months old.) Personally, I have never put a blanket over my nursing baby, though some moms are more comfortable doing this. I feel it just draws more attention to the fact that I’m nursing (I know I always notice this when someone else does it). For me a loose blouse, my ‘Tudung’ and also the baby will keep me perfectly covered and modest. Senang kan..Tapi ye la, lagi skali, x smua org sama... sebab apa? ain ni jenis malas2 nak serabut2 kan, dengan Afeef yg extreme buas? huh...
Actually, Ain mmg kena admit that I also fell embarrass the first time I breastfed my son in public. Believe me, nobody will straightly have the guts and great feeling while breastfeeding in public. It needs practice and experience to be comfortable and confident. Luckily, I also have my husband beside me for support.Kalau dia x der, adik2 akan bantu2 untuk cover2.. :p
After that, we started to go to shopping complex eventhough at first I’m very particular on choosing which shopping mall we can go. I will definitely choose to go to shopping complexes that has a breastfeeding room. Later on, the more I go outside, the more I feel more confident and comfortable. Nowadays, I can breastfeed anywhere I go.
For the first timer especially, here are some
tips on how to be more confident and comfortable while breastfeed in public.
1.Practice makes perfect.
That’s phrase commonly used to those who wants to succeed. The best place to start is in your own home. First, you need to learn how to breastfeed your baby in discreetly while walking around. Practice in front of the mirror and see how you look while breastfeed. Family members are good “guinea pigs” to practice on when you want to try to breastfeed in public. Always remembers not to breastfeed your baby in the bathroom or storeroom because even you wouldn’t want to eat there right?
2. Get the right outfit for comfortable.
There is no way that you can be able do a breastfeed discreetly if you wear a tight blouse or a dress. If you are going to be a nursing mum, then you should think what is the best outfit you can wear while going out? The easiest solution is to invest in nursing wears. If you have few nursing tops, you can try which style is best for you because nursing wear have different style in openings. Other than that, you can convert your own clothing to be a nursing wear. If you wear a regular outfit, you can lift up your top and once the baby latches on, adjust the cloths to cover as much as possible. Based on my experience, I will convert which ever clothing I have to be like a nursing wear. Of course, not every clothing can be convert to nursing wear. J Other than that, a baby sling is a great accessory for public nursing. With your baby safely in a sling, you can nurse your baby and have your hands free at the same time. The sling can be adjusted to keep you covered and no one will ever suspect that you are nursing your baby.
3. Find a good spot while breastfeeding
If you are in a restaurant, mall, airport or any crowded area, try to find a spot that you can sit so you have a little privacy. A booth is great as long as there is enough room to maneuver a baby. Sit so that you can see what is going on. As for me, I will look for corner space so that I can easily sit and not disturbing other people to walk or doing their business.
4. What should I do if people staring at me?
This situation can really be an uncomfortable. I gave you an example, when you are in university; boys and girls usually flirt around. Let say there was a boy, always staring at you and its freak you out. If you started looking back at him, what will he do? He will definitely turn around right? It’s the same situation here. The best thing to do is to return their gaze without backing down. However, this won’t happen always because nowadays, people are already aware about breastfeeding in public so usually we don’t attract that much attention.
5. Know Your Child.
I think everyone knows how their baby will react while breastfeeding. Some baby prefers to cover their face with clothing so it won’t be much problem for the mum. Some baby however, finds it irritating to have something covering their face or prefers to touch around (meraba-raba). This is usually the main reason why most mums prefer not to breastfeed in public, right? Based on my experience, my son is one from the later scenario. She loves to touch around and finds it irritating if something is covering his face..How do I overcome this situation? I will divert her attention by giving something for her to play. For example, I will let her play with my necklace or some of her toys. Another solution is, just find a breastfeeding room to feed your baby.
6. Be proud of breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is a noble and honorable thing that we can do for our child. So, be proud when you breastfeed yours.
I hope this tips will help. Sape nak tambah lagi, silakan…
Notes: So if your a breastfeeding mum, please don’t stay at home! Go out, have some fun, and nurse in public. The more mothers nurse in public, the more accepted it will become!!!