Tak ada masaalah menyusukan anak lebih dari 2 tahun, jika perkara itu tidak mendatangkan mudharat kepada bayi, dan dgn kerelaan sisuami dan isteri.
Cuma kebiasaannya anak apabila sampai umur 2 tahun dia memerlukan makanan tambahan yang lain.
Adapun ayat al-Quran dari surah al-Baqarah: 233:
وَالْوَالِدَاتُ يُرْضِعْنَ أَوْلادَهُنَّ حَوْلَيْنِ كَامِلَيْنِ لِمَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُتِمَّ الرَّضَاعَةَ
Maksudnya: “Dan para ibu itu menyusukan anak-anak mereka selama sempurna 2 tahun, bagi sesiapa yang menyempurnakan susuan.”
Ayat ini hanya berupa bimbingan dan bukan menunjukkan suatu kewajipan yang membawa dosa jika menyalahinya.
Al-Imam al-Qurtubiy ketika menafsirkan ayat 233 dari surah al-Baqarah di atas menyatakan: “Tambahan lebih dari 2 tahun (menyusukan anak) atau menguranginya (tempoh tersebut), boleh jika tidak ada kemudharatan kepada bayi dan dengan kerelaan suami dan isteri."
Cuma ada sebahagian ulama seperti Ibn 'Asyur (ابن عاشور) yang berpandangan tidak perlu ditambah susuan lebih dari 2 tahun, kerana perbuatan ini tidak ada keperluan lagi.
As for the question whether a mother can breastfeed past the two years, the answer is: there is nothing in the sources to indicate that it is wrong to do so. So you are free to do so if you deem it conducive to the wellbeing of your child.
Having said this, however, I should convince you that at some point you must make a distinction between providing, responsible nurturing care and spoiling a child. Sometimes a child may never wish to wean at all if you were to leave it entirely to his choice. It is therefore important for you to plan to wean him gradually without causing him undue emotional stress. You should decide your move in consultation with your pediatrician and a trained nurse.
Having said this, however, I should convince you that at some point you must make a distinction between providing, responsible nurturing care and spoiling a child. Sometimes a child may never wish to wean at all if you were to leave it entirely to his choice. It is therefore important for you to plan to wean him gradually without causing him undue emotional stress. You should decide your move in consultation with your pediatrician and a trained nurse.
Wallahu a’lam.
Qaseh Bonda: It's not so unusual to be breastfeeding at 2 or 3 years old. Worldwide, the average age of weaning is somewhere around 3 to 4 years. Your child will stop breastfeeding when she 's ready. This is described as "child-led" weaning, and it's the most effective and gentle way to wean. As long as you're both enjoying breastfeeding, then by all means continue what you're doing.